National Safety Month – Week 2 – Beat Fatigue in the Workplace
While safety is a topic that requires attention and focus every day and every second, National Safety Month in June is an ideal time to rally employees around a theme. By holding safety meetings with every member of your organization, you are placing emphasis on the importance of on and off the workplace health and safety.
The theme this week is Health. Taking care of yourself is not only beneficial to your health, but also to your work. Below is a helpful article about fatigue in the workplace:
Beat Fatigue in the Workplace!
Do you often feel tired at work? If so, you might be one of millions of people who suffer from fatigue. This common ailment does not just cause grogginess, but it costs employers millions of dollars annually in lost productivity and workplace accidents.
Several factors in the workplace can contribute to fatigue. Working late shifts, being stressed or unhappy with certain aspects of your job, even missing a lunch break can enhance the power of fatigue. To combat this effect, follow these tips to cc yourself:
Drink plenty of water – A dehydrated body and mind functions less efficiently and more carelessly.
Be careful with caffeine – One or two caffeinated drinks (like coffee, tea or cola) per day may boost energy and mental alertness. However, heavy caffeine users (more than six drinks per day) are prone to anxiety, irritability and reduced
Eat breakfast – Food boosts your metabolism and gives the body energy to burn. The brain relies on glucose for fuel, so choose carbohydrate-rich breakfast foods such as cereals or whole grain bread.
Never skip meals – Going without food for too long allows blood sugar levels to dip, causing a groggy and distracted mental state. Eat regularly to maintain energy levels throughout the day.
Eat a healthy diet – Increase the amount of healthy foods in your diet while decreasing the amount of high fat, high sugar and high salt foods. Instead of eating three big meals per day, try eating six mini-meals to spread your energy intake more evenly. This will result in more constant blood sugar and insulin levels.