The Safety Jackpot incentive program has been a successful choice for some of the most respected companies in the world. Thousands of clients both large and small, spanning over thirteen countries, have revolutionized their safety culture, dramatically lowered injuries, and achieved excellent ROI with this unique solution. We are proud to have helped our clients over our seven decades, and most proud of the millions of employee “winners” that have become safer as a result! Learn about our company history.
“Since adding Safety Jackpot to our safety program, our incident rate has been cut in half and our employee active participation has more than quadrupled.”
“We are doing so much better than last year. Employees are definitely engaged! We have seen positive results not only with the decrease in our injuries but also most importantly employees are approaching each other and correcting unsafe behaviors 🙂 Last year throughout July we had incurred a total of 21 Osha recordable injuries. This year, as of now we are at 9!!!”
LSG Sky Chefs
“We are starting our fourth year using the Safety Jackpot program and it has been a great success. We have now gone 564 days without a lost time accident. That is a company record.”
Dudley Poultry
“In that first year we set a 40 year company record of Zero Lost Times and Zero Recordable Injuries. In the 9 years since introducing Safety Jackpot, we have had 7 years with no lost time accidents and will add another year to that list on April 28th of this year”
Erachem Comilog
“Since starting the program in January of 2008, our incident rate has gone from 6.74 to 2.22. We’ve reduced our number of reportable incidents from 21 in 2008 to 2 year-to-date.”
MGPI Processing
“Coborn’s Bake Shoppe has had wonderful success with the Safety Jackpot program. We have been actively participating in the program for seven years. During that time we have reduced our accidents that require medical attention by 40%. We have not had an accident that required medical attention in 220 days!”
Coborn’s Bake Shoppe
“After one year, our workplace injuries decreased from 8 to 2. Amazing!”
Dion & Sons
“I’ve found the program easy to use and explain to new employees. I’ve recommended it to my previous employers and friends to recommend to their employers.”
MGPI Processing
“When we kicked off our program with Safety Jackpot all of our questions had been answered and for the last 7 years we have had no significant problems in the administration of the program.”
Golden Flake
“Safety Jackpot has been extremely easy to implement and maintain. The system basically runs itself. The employees are getting more involved and we have seen a great sense of awareness and responsibility.”
“It is an easy program to administrate, and it is a true incentive to employees.”
Daily Express, Inc
“In short, the program literally runs itself, and had a huge bottom line impact to our safety costs and our employee satisfaction.”
G&K Services
“It is SO easy to administer and promote this program to my team. We always end up talking at the end of every week to see who got their gamecards and find out how many points we all have.”
Mile Hi Foods
“I think the Safety Jackpot program has helped to bring safety awareness more into the daily workflow of the employees. The employees certainly enjoy getting the cards at the end of the day. We’ve not had any major incidents in the past 2 years, thank goodness. I think everyone genuinely wants to be safe, and this is an incentive for them to keep up the good work.”
Allied Telesis, Inc
“Safety Jackpot cards have been instrumental in improving the behavior of people. In the beginning employees would report an issue or participate in an activity just to receive a card. Many times an employee will perform these acts not the the card (though they get the card) but because they know it is the right thing to do for the benefit of fellow employees.”
“When surveyed, our employees have overwhelming agreed that this is the best program that they have ever been a part of. The program has contributed to creating a positive safety culture in our plant. Our employees know that consistent participation increases their chances of a greater reward.”
“Safety Jackpot has helped us reduce our preventable collisions and injuries since implementing the program. It has a lot to do with make people more aware of their environment and overall safety. It is the prefect complement to our safety culture here.”
SunLine Transit Agency
“This positive reinforcement has developed a more safety-conscious workforce.”
Menasha PrePrint Group
“The program has surpassed our expectations, as we were rather skeptical of how it would work. It is so much fun to see employee’s trading cards, or brag about how many points they have, or talk about what item they were going to order out of the catalog. It’s especially exciting to see someone’s eyes light up when their name is drawn to do a “Bag-Grab”.”
Hi Plains Feed
“I can tell you that it is a motivator to the employees to receive these cards and to participate in the program. This is just a part of an overall successful safety program, but the cost of this motivational program is very negligible compared to possible increased workers comp costs without a motivational program like this.”
Southern Wine & Spirits
“achieved my goals of teamwork, open communication, and some excitement among the workers”
“It has engaged our employees in a way that other initiatives haven’t.”
Caravan Ingredients
“Since implementing Safety Jackpot, attendance has improved, tardies have dropped and injuries have gone down. All this because of a little card that has become very valuable at Victor Learning Center.”
Victor Learning Center
“Our absenteeism has been reduced by 19.7%.”
“There have been no lost time accidents in 111 working days and tardiness has been reduced 95%.”
Hauptly Construction
“Inspections completed by team members rose 44% and monthly training attendance rose 52%.”
Desert Recreation District
“The Safety Jackpot program has accomplished many things for our company. The program has brought excitement to the company safety program allowing management and employees to interact, reduced our accident rates and has allowed us to reward our associates for safe behavior. The program is very easy to administer and is a very cost effective way to reward employees.”
Pierce Distribution
“The excitement level alone that the program has generated among the employees is worth every bit of it.”
Universal Forest Products
“Safety Jackpot has provided American Buildings Company with just what we needed – awareness and recognition.”
American Buildings Company
“The excitement level of all associates has gone through the roof. Associate participation in the safety process has increase dramatically.”
“The best highlight for me as the administrator is the most awesome customer support I have received while be a part of your company. You have the best representation of any company that I have ever dealt with and when I have run out of cards or have a problem you handle it with the utmost professional results and have always come through before anything was a problem. Kylee you are a great representative of your company and all it stands for and it has been a pleasure working with you and everyone on your staff.”
Crothall Facilities
“The Account Managers at Safety Jackpot have always been extremely helpful. Whenever we need anything we just call or email and they always respond timely. I would highly recommend the Safety Jackpot Program as it has made a huge difference in our facility.”