Mark Renye Safety Jackpot is excited to announce that Mark Renye from Ikea Distribution Services was chosen as the Year End Power Bag Winner. Mark had the chance to win up to a Million Dollars. Mark’s name was chosen from all the ENTRY and JACKPOT Collector Cards turned into Award Headquarters during 2013. The drawing was held on February 7, 2014 in Westampton, NJ. The first bag that was drawn had half of the million dollar certificate. Unfortunately the second bag did not hold the other half of the million dollar certificate. Mark still won $2,500.
Jennifer Treft Another year end nationwide drawing was also held and that was for the Las Vegas trip. This trip is a 3 day, two night trip for two that includes a hotel on the strip, airfare and spending cash. We are excited to announce that Jennifer Treft from AVAR Construction won this trip.

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