Seventy years ago, In 1951, the safety incentive company “Motivation Services” was launched. The quality safety incentive and employee wellness company spent several decades motivating employee and consumer behavior with a variety of custom systems and awards aimed at improving sales, safety, and productivity. Clientele included many Fortune 100 companies.
In 1990, the company, (then named Peavey Performance Systems), stumbled upon a breakthrough solution in motivating employee behavior. This new gamified, easier to administer incentive approach, far surpassed the results of typical “dangle the carrot” type incentive point systems. The Jackpot safety incentive system was born. The unique scratch card game approach, energized employees like no other, and out-performed other methods (including cash, gift cards, and merchandise programs). by ten-fold. The program rapidly grew worldwide amongst companies both large and small.
The industry award winning Safety Jackpot program, quickly became the world’s most recognized and highest performing safety incentive program. The program has helped thousands of companies with their corporate health by revolutionizing their employee wellness and safety cultures. Its added back millions to bottom line profits, and most importantly, has saved thousands of workplace injuries and lives.
Helping you structure and launch an off the charts successful employee wellness program (that is easy to administer) is just the start. You will find that every member of our team truly “Get’s it”. The days of you having to create, manage and promote your own safety incentive program are over. You have found the right partner.
Our team approach, utilizes highly experienced and quality safety incentive consultants on the front end that will work with you (at no additional charge) in creating a gamified program that has the perfect awarding structure, assuring strong employee engagement and quick return on investment. Our program development and account management teams will then help you launch and promote your program throughout. Hold on tight! unlike the old style programs that used to go stale, the Jackpot game itself is designed to actually GAIN excitement as time goes along.
In over 13 countries, across many different industries, the Safety Jackpot Incentive Program has proven to succeed and engage many differing demographic types of employees. Check out Our Clients.